Credit: Looking ahead (photo: Newsis/Reuters/Newscom)

Chart of the Week

Top 10 Charts of the Week for 2018

January 7, 2019

[caption id="attachment_25377" align="alignnone" width="1024"] Looking ahead (photo: Newsis/Reuters/Newscom)[/caption]

A picture is worth a thousand words.  The portraits of the global economy in our Chart of the Week series have proven a hit, and to help you start the year with just the right facts and figures, we have pulled together your top reads of 2018. 

Here are the top ten charts of the week for 2018, based on your readership.

  1. 5 Charts That Explain the Global Economy in 2018
  2. Chart of the Week: Government Debt Is Not the Whole Story: Look at the Assets
  3. Chart of the Week: The Rise of Corporate Giants
  4. Chart of the Week: When High Yield Goes Boom
  5. Chart of the Week: Inequality in China
  6. Chart of the Week: China’s Thrift, and What to Do About It
  7. Chart of the Week: Grading the G-20 on its Growth Goals
  8. Chart of the Week: An Answer to the U.S. Wage Puzzle
  9. Chart of the Week: The Productivity Penalty: World Cup Winners and Losers
  10. Chart of the Week: A Bumpy Road Ahead for Electric Cars